What is the difference between your Kinder Brushes and regular brushes?

Our special Longhairs® Kinder Brushes will increase hair’s shine, manageability, strength, and circulation. They keep dust from causing tangles and aid in the removal of dead hair, leading to better regrowth and also less deadwood to soak up the moisture balance. Our bristles are hand-set in a way that feels quite sensual. Most uniquely, when used in conjunction with our Longhairs® Hairgasm® products (link opens new tab), the Kinder Brushes create ionic charges (which are also anti-static) that gently conduct stimulating charges to the roots via the shaft – this is why it’s necessary to follow through to the ends. These charges do many things, one of which is to soothingly stimulate blood flow (helps with headaches!).

Proper use: Brush your lengths with our Kinder Brush from top to bottom, scalp to tips. When reaching chest length, press full sheets of hair to your body for support and continue down, pressing gently with each stroke. With your other hand, follow along behind the brush, using your body as a conductor and a ground. It also stops you from raking. Our brushes have zero resistance, and each one has a purpose.

Try a puff of Hairgasm® #11 Magic Spray on your brush. You’ll find it very enjoyable and beneficial to your hair.

Other brushes definitely don’t do all this. Other brushes, especially poorly made yet expensively marketed brushes, cause dangerous discrepancies in shaft diameter, inconsistencies in texture, buildup, dryness, and way too much pull and drag. This is why many longhairs only use combs, but you’re safe to brush with us!

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