What does the Longhairs® MagicPack® members personal service consist of?

It consists of our dear Louise Marie Longhairs®! With your Longhairs® MagicPack® she will be by your side, helping you along the way, busily setting everything up, doing tests, supervising the online diary notes you’ll keep, and prescribing as you evolve. Support for Longhairs® MagicPack® members it is at no extra cost. She is a personal hair trainer, teacher, coach, and tutor, but not a waitress. She always puts a lot of effort towards your technique, individualizing and customizing the use of your full MagicPack® kit (link opens new tab) to get the best results possible from the tools and products you have invested in. We think of the MagicPack® like a palette, and endeavor to help you learn to paint artistically, not at all like a paint-by-number. Louise Marie understands the initial, overwhelming feeling of the ‘full fridge’ and one of the benefits of the MagicPack® is that you won’t feel you need extra products – products that may be secretly damaging your hair.

The MagicPack® is not sold as you go, and none of the Hairgasm® products (link opens new window) are sold in any stores – because Louise Marie Longhairs® comes with it!

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