Archive for the only for MagicPackers Tag
What does the Longhairs® MagicPack® members personal service consist of?
It consists of our dear Louise Marie Longhairs®! With your Longhairs® MagicPack® she will be by your side, helping you along the way, busily setting everything up, doing tests, supervising the online diary notes you’ll keep, and prescribing as you evolve. Support for Longhairs® MagicPack® members it is at no extra cost. She is a personal […]
How do I become a full-fledged Longhairs® Hairgasm® MagicPack® member with complimentary support?
By ordering and maintaining the Longhairs® Hairgasm® MagicPack® (link opens new tab) and keeping it up-to-date. You will need to fill out the More About You Form with as much useful detail as you can (more info is going to help her help you more). You will be asked to send over some photos, which will […]
Why don’t you sell a smaller, shorter-term Longhairs® MagicPack®?
Because it just doesn’t work out; it is not enough product to actually get a grip on things before product-anxiety and the need to reorder (link opens new tab) kicks in. It becomes close to ‘over’ too soon, so inevitably reordering comes all at once. You switch the shampoos independently of the conditioners and oils, so reordering […]
How long do I use Longhairs® MagicPack® for and will I have support as long as I like (even years and years)?
You are welcome to use your MagicPack® forever, for as long as you wish to grow or maintain your long, healthy hair. We archive volumes of your diary so you can review (and learn from) your progress over time. Support for Members is free, as long as you maintain your Longhairs® MagicPack® supply (link opens in new tab) […]
What is the Longhairs® MagicPack®?
It’s for those who want it all! It’s the set of everything your hair needs (link opens new tab) and what Louise Marie uses with her clients to provide a well-rounded diet for hair, skin, and scalp, and the future of these in promotion and support of longer, better hair. Not excessive or frivolous, more like ‘a fridge full […]
What does the MagicPack® do?
Becoming a member is using the MagicPack as a whole as Louise Marie directs, and not as a sampler. The MagicPack system helps create and maintain a healthy scalp and strong hair (link opens new tab). Membership is having what you want, and it keeps working forever! It’s totally not a ‘drugstore’ situation of a few categories. MagicPack and everything inside it has […]
What all is in the MagicPack kit?
Everything clients’ and members’ long haired hearts desire, in a healthy, organic way. Longhairs® complete system works as hard as clients and members do, providing for all the needs of growing it in right and maintaining your beautiful, healthy hair. The Longhairs® MagicPack® (link opens new tab) contains 4 component sets: The Longhairs® MagicPack® Shampooing Components Set always contains: #1 […]
I’m really happy with my BTN Duo. I know that MagicPack is a commitment, how do I decide?
Commitment will come naturally with time if you love our products. Trust yourself, enjoy – and when you are getting bored, you may want to play with a Surprise Kit (random things are chosen, like a sampler or a pre-MagicPack cruise if you like).
Will Louise Marie Longhairs help me online with how to style my hair as it grows?
A little help within reason, but hairstyling is NOT included in products prices. In fact, support was not calculated into any of our products prices, but she helps because of your common goal. The Non-Salon appointment is how and where members’ hair is done. Not only is it a little difficult to manage, it is […]
I’m confused… I see a set of 15 shampoos (MP kits), but this is not what I’m used to. How does this work?
Works very well! (No apologies for the untypical-ness of our ways!) The ‘palette’ of these 15 different shampoos belongs to the largest kit – not the simple -kits – and is called a MagicPack (link opens new tab). The Magicpack contains all the different properties and principals you need to help get the amazing ‘customized to the […]