You Know Your Hair Is Getting Long When…
These following items become a problem….Long Hair HAZARDS!!!
- Being mistaken for a chick from behind…when you are a longhaired man!!
- Round brushes/Hot brush gadgets:When you have had one or more of these “monsters” stuck in your hair maybe even at one time!
- Chewing gum: When your hair becomes a chewing gum magnet!
- Car windows: When you get your hair constantly stuck in the car window after closing it!
- Food: When your hair gets in your plate and goes for the gravy then drifts to your shirt!
- Paper cutters: When these things seem to be constantly offering you free trims …while you work.
- Unintentional Home-Haircuts: when you are no longer able to find a bowl to assist in your own home-haircut ideas.
- Stucco walls: When they stick to your hair like “velcro” as you pass by them.
- Sticky tape of any kind: When you seem to be sending hair samples with your tape job.